دو روایت کاملا متفاوت از یک فرد. کدام به واقعیت نزدیک تراست؟ راستی چه راحت سایت تابناک با آبروی افراد بازی کرده و از پیش حکم (درست یا نادرست) صادر میکند!
بخوانید و نظرات خود را بیان دارید.

برروی تصاویر کلیک کنید تا اصل مطلب را بخوانید.
======================= پ.ن =======================
به دلیل اهمیت موضوع تقلبی که در لینک دوم آمده، نظر یکی از همکاران محترم (به انگلیسی) در زیر میآید:
I have now compared the two publications at issue, and hereby testify that the publication
"An analytical approach ...."
by Behrooz Adib, Alireza Heidari, and Sayyed Framarz Tayyari
Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat
is indeed a plagiarized version of the earlier paper
"سالیتون معادله شرودینگر غیر خطی اشباع پزیر"
بقلم محسن سربیشه ای و غلام رضا مکتب داران.
It is remarkable that Mr Framarz Tayyari has not hesitated shamelessly to use the honorific title "Sayyed" in publishing a work that in all major and minor aspects is nothing less than a thievery on a grand scale (they have not even taken the trouble of re-drawing the diagrams of the original publication by using a modern plotting software! And, most shamelessly, they conclude their plagiarised paper by expressing their appreciation for "valuable discussions given by Professor M. Sarbishaei"! --- incidentally, "discussions" are not "given"; they are made).
If I may, I should like to make the following recommendations:
1. The authors Sarbishei and Maktabdaran should seriously consider to write to Editor-in-Chief of "Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat" and inform him of facts regarding the case at hand (needless to say, the writing should be professional and to the point; it should not contain personal attacks and material concerning the private lives of Adib, Heidari and Tayyari -- journals are not qualified to deal with these issues). The Editor-in-Chief is obliged to take the information very seriously, but for taking effective action will have to seek expert advice on the issue at hand. It is therefore recommended, if not absolutely necessary, that Sarbishei and Maktabdaran accompany their letter with an English translation of their original paper (a copy of the original paper is also necessary for the records). The authors will do well to provide some names (including the name of at least one person who aside from being an expert in the field, is capable of reading Persian) as potential referees. Once the Editor-in-Chief has ascertained that the paper by Adib, Heidari and Tayyari is indeed a plagiarised paper, he is legally required not only to remove the paper from the journal, but also to inform readers, through a formal communication in one of the forthcoming editions of the journal, about the incident. Most likely, he will also publish the English translation of the original work by Sarbishei and Maktabdaran.
2. Sarbishei and Maktabdaran should certainly consider to pursue the matter through legal channels in Iran. E.g., they should submit a request to public prosecutor (accompanied by all the relevant documents) asking appropriate legal actions to be undertaken against Adib, Heidari and Tayyari. Charge: Theft of intellectual property belonging to others.
3. Sarbishei and Maktabdaran should consider to submit similar letters as above to Heads of Islamic Azad University in Tehran and University of Mashhad, informing them of the scientific misconduct of the individuals in their employment. Most certainly, administrative disciplinary actions must be taken against these individuals, ranging from temporary suspension of these individuals to their dismissal. If I were in the position of one of these Heads, the very least I would do would be giving the individuals concerned a very stern warning that repetition of their recent act of plagiarism would lead to their permanent dismissal from their academic positions. I should further recommend Sarbishei and Maktabdaran to ask from the Editor-in-Chief of "Commun Nonlinear Sci Simulat" as to the identity of the person submitting the paper at issue (he may not disclose this). This information will clarify the question as to who had been running this ugly and reprehensible show.